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*Mary Wilson
908 West Cayuga St.
Philadelphia, PA 19037
* Position as a Nurse of Health Care Provider.
Employment History
St. Mark`s Hospital, Philadelphia, PA
Surgical Nurse, 2007 to Present
Served as a staff surgical nurse. Provided health care checks for a diverse population. Performed blood pressure tests for community health outreach programs, provided a wide range of services including women`s health clinic services and care for elderly patients.
R.N. - American Medical Association.
B.S., Nursing, 2007
University of Scranton, Scranton, PA
In September, will start my second year at a University. In my opinion, campus life is about enjoying yourself and realizing your dreams. It is a great way to make new friends and become involved in a community environment.
The class timetable in the university is flexible, which gives students more free time. Some students spend it in the library reading books.
Their learning ambition is so high that they claim their seats as soon as the librards. Most of us take part-time jobs to earn some pocket money too.
As we are getting older we can start making our own decisions. With this right comes responsibility. I believe that each of us has access to equal opportunities, but only the one who is well prepared can be successful. So, we have to make ourselves ready for every chance.
I am a fan of my older sister. When she was a child, she wanted to help people. As a young woman, she raised money for charity, and later she became a full-time volunteer. Her volunteer job is sometimes hard, but she never gets upset; she always stays calm on the job. she loves her life and feels like she`s making a difference in the world. She is a happy woman.
my dad is the most gracious, loving person I ever met. He gave me the gift of life, and raised me as a very respectable person. I feel my dad who touches without hands and I`ve learned that love is always there. He helps me and teaches me right fuom wrong. He`s very funny too. He cheers me up when I am sad. He works every day but he spends time with me and my brother every night. he also helps anybody who needs help. I love my dad.
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