영문 편지 번역 급 부탁 드립니다.

영문 편지 번역 급 부탁 드립니다.

지미* 0 862 0 0
영화제작관련 하여 외국제작팀과 대화중에 이메일 을 받았는데 정확한 번역을 부탁드립니다.

Hi Jimmi,

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I work with Anna Broinwoski who interviewed you earlier this year in February about the film she was making about North Korean cinema. Our film is coming along well and we plan to start rehearsing with our actors to make our short film in early October. We were wondering what you are up to and if it might be possible for you to come out to Sydney, Australia during our filming to help advise our actors for a week or so?

Can I call you to talk about this? If so, let me know the best number and time that I could try to call.

Thanks for your help



Kate Breen

Production Manager

Unicorn Films

23 Union Street

South Melbourne VIC 3205


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